Safety Solutions for Seniors

a-1 home care pasadena elderly care

Other than earthquakes, wildfire also happens often in Southern California.  While you or your loved ones may not live beside where the wildfire might be happening, the smoke from the fire can easily lower the air quality of surrounding areas and affect the health and safety of those more susceptible to respiratory issues.  According to the U.S. Fire Administration,  special items should be prepared for the elderly in the emergency supplies, from drugs to other medical devices, whatever is needed should be prepared in case one need to relocate because of the wildfire. If there are in home caregivers watching after the elderly, involve them in the discussion about the plans and strategy when natural disaster or other emergency happens.

A-1 Home Care offers highly trained and experienced caregivers like Eric Palaganas and Rufina Tauli to serve in Arthritis CareParkinson CareAlzheimer CareAfter Surgery Care, Cancer Care, and much more elderly and senior in home care services. With testimonials form clients over the 20 years we have been in business, A-1 Home Care have placed caregivers in homes all over Los Angeles and Orange County, including the communities of Diamond BarDowney, Glendale, Hollywood, Long Beach, Huntington BeachPalos Verdes, Rolling Hills, Santa Monica, Malibu, and Torrance.

Call (877) 929-8499 today to speak with our representatives, or visit to learn more.

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Reviewed by A-1 Home Care

On November 22, 2022 · 6am

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